第31回日本ナイル・エチオピア学会学術大会 第3次サーキュラー (31th JANES Conferene)

PDF: 第3次サーキュラー(3rd circular)

第31回日本ナイル・エチオピア学会第三次サーキューラー/The 31st Annual Conference of the JANES: Third Circular 第31回日本ナイル・エチオピア学会学術大会の第3次サーキュラーをお送りいたします。


参加申し込み: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-HUtSdlTxyQmWAcelFbDCnBcISbsqCy0jO-cvlVJeAcMFzw/viewform


The third circular of the 31st Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies is here.  The Conference will be held online, and the due date for the participation application has been extended to April 8 (The participation fee is free!).

The link for the participation application is;https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-HUtSdlTxyQmWAcelFbDCnBcISbsqCy0jO-cvlVJeAcMFzw/viewform

We will send the ZOOM link for the Conference and the abstracts for the presentations to the participants after the due date of the application.
We ask for the active participation and cooperation of all members.
You can get the information about the Conference via the JANES website( https://www.janestudies.org/?cat=6 ).
